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Ստեղծում: 08/11/2013 02:28
Թարմացնել: 06/02/2014 22:09
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If time could stop at the moment when we first met
The bottom of Tribulus terrestris

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melody :: melody

Այլ Օրագրեր: superfine

China - superfine
Դիրք: 822/56779 Անդամներ

Տարրերը են դասավորված է ամենահին մինչեւ վերջին!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: If time could stop at the moment when we first met - 08/11/2013 02:34

If time could stop at the moment when we first met
There are a lot of things did not dare to say,asset management I say, everything will become illusion. In my world, perhaps have no reason is not, but it is not without reason principle. Like tonight. Perhaps I this person is so, when it came, I only know the soldiers to be blocked, water to soil cover, but in addition to this, how can I do? Resistance? Against to these so-called right and wrong? No use, besides, I have seen everything. When all the dust has settled, when everything is attributed to calm, we find that giving up is also a kind of beauty. Give up on those intrepid fighting rage, to give up on the deadweight is non denounced, because it is just a fantasy. Someone once said to me, the person's memory, in fact, is the most easy to forget the sad things, let us quietly back suddenly back, remember, is mostly happy memories. I don't know how to comfort themselves, only know that if there is something on your mind, just know upon paper,embroidery digitizing the time allowed to flood to dilute the sorrow. Life is a dream, everything just like fireflies like illusion. Remember when Rurutia said: "in this world, only by the illusory, brick." Since it is just an illusion, just a flower in the mirror, moon in water, then why should we so persistent once how. I just want a person, like a woman, the shadow dyed, with some sadness in this world to go on, do not leave, a mere passing by wind text. Up to now, only a helpless sigh. Blame blame each other is not firm, blame only blame promise too sentimental, even the cardamom term workers, not enemy once utterly routed back feeding residual red. All left untold difficulties, as well as my silent heart, for I couldn't say thousands and thousands of words! At that time, only the road is ordinary I know, I shouldn't have appeared in another dream, is not it, to love is over. Not have the heart to excuse, caused the present cannot see through, makes you to my hatred. I just said, I hope I have the time, is warm, when I left, if you really want to forget my words, I will not regret it and you have sailed the seven seas, someday, if you can think of me, I hope you are smiling, not tears. I see, I don't want anyone to pain. If tomorrow, would you really hate me, even hate me, but I still want to say that word, I give you, I do, I give you, is pure without a little dirty components! Understand me,Vitamin will naturally understand I was a quiet and law-abiding woman, do not understand my words, why? If I open Epiphyllum, moment, break in, leave it with a brilliant, let others to modify, to defame!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: The bottom of Tribulus terrestris - 13/01/2014 00:56

The bottom of Tribulus terrestris
Liuhe Town, at the intersection of the thoroughfare, and known for its big market, become the northern distribution center for clothing, prosperous people. National side, a row of hotels, which at night Ambilight "Rainbow", "always full of customers. The two sisters rainbow hotel is open, sister clouds by delicate, hospitality, sister rainbow mighty, with knife as kitchen, invited the master was distant relatives. The business has a year, legend can earn tens of thousands, while have the Spring Festival, shut the plate count, the differences in the decoration, sister to a new renovation, sister to deal with maintenance, sister made a half red. Later, the chef who also said not to listen, to another house. Sister gas but another portal, "Rainbow", sister had to change the signs called "cloud". The two sisters: not bad, ideas, only the part company each going his own way. One shop, two dispensers, no primary and secondary, the key staff arbitration can't before, work's, Penny Zhisheng, which embarrassed? Money is evil, fine, sisters disputes, money, is a fair old, discourse on the pocket. As the saying goes, a groove don't tie two horses, to let two tiger hill, unless one can show the white feather. It seems, capital investment decisions of the management mode of operation, of course, will also promote capital operation. Small capital expansion, sister broke up a store, two restaurants, is not necessarily a good thing, because it belongs to expand the scale, moreover, the strategy of the rainbow aura, should be better. Soybean Milk female "The hot bean curd tofu curd to -- to --" Early in the morning, the town complex in the streets, tender and crisp shouts, by far and near, from the near to the distant, so punctual, so soft. Soybean Milk car, tricycle, placed above the three wrapped in quilts barrels, a barrel is tofu curd, two barrels is Soybean Milk, if opened, are reeky. Sell Soybean Milk, is a surname Tian girl, twenty years old, facial features look very is delicate, plus a head, smiling speaking, bring warm and pleasant. Bean brain Soybean Milk fragrance, mellow, delivered to the doorstep, natural give people convenience, bring the morning geely. Young people go to work, sleep in wakes up, hurry; school children, school bags ready, clamoring not in time;. After the old lady down the stairs, didn't see it, and called on: Xiaotian girl, Soybean Milk Soybean Milk -- girl -- Understanding of the small girl, waiting in the intersection, a small horn run out of her voice, small round sure and lightly pushed to the front of grandma and grandpa. On the way, students set to begin again and Xiaotian elder sister, young people and Xiaotian teasing joke repeated every day: Tian Ya, Soybean Milk female, and I go -- Soybean Milk female, bring convenience to people, to bring joy, bring the youth breath. "Tofu curd to heat Soybean Milk -- to --" Soybean Milk female voice is for life, is the call of life.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: Valve spring message - 06/02/2014 22:09

Chun Yan shear mud, weak willows Fufeng, spring thunder a loud blaring, drizzly crisp earth. "Know a good rain season, when spring is here. Wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently." When the off white uniform, when the spring breeze blowing the first trumpet call, when the spring flowers blooming beautiful smiling face, when Liu Si danced the dance, along the river flowing to get rid of the fetters of health and joy and singing folk songs, the river water is suffused with green, the fish in the hide and seek, river willow girl in to the mirror, wearing a beautiful green clothes, the February spring like scissors, cut out the willow leaves figure, the flying catkins is like snow girl Chanyi face, drifting profusely and disorderly catkins spring girl is issued the invitation, she invited the blue sky and white clouds, the mountains and rivers, trees and flowers to the spring feast. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? But this time, the winter has gone, spring Gu face posture came, Spring returns to the good earth., flowers in full bloom, the branches Gualv, sunward smile.Tube Amp Class A of Kidult Online Jade Snow jade, Yong Ronghuagui, won the national beauty and heavenly fragrance -- peony, Qunfang, set in a beautiful elegant peony flower, you are the first messenger of spring, when the cold winter wind up her stinging edge, when Ling Han alone open plum a curtain call, accompanied by the first ray of green branches, the peony then you comes in, although not once had a taste of Luoyang town of peony flowers bloom is how the hustle and bustle, single in the beautiful spring city Tanhua Temple Park is one of the few dozens of pots of flowers and bright, colorful peony flower is enough to make my palpitating with excitement eager to do sth., love unceasingly. Tanhua Temple Park is a Kunming has a history of one hundred years of the temple, when we marshal Zhu De in the Kunming military academy had lived in this, therefore, Tanhua Temple Park in Kunming to be well-known, far and near. Because Kunming has four seasons such as spring, suitable for the growth of flowers, so can make growth in central Anhui Luoyang peony flower can blossom in Kunming breeding. Think of myself as a hobby literature allusion woman, "a romantic story garden Peony Pavilion" in Zhang and Cui Yingying to elope, legend story generation of Queen Wu Zetian the beginning of winter deterrence blooming peony flower, peony flower such as Yang Yuhuan and Tang Minghuang national beauty and heavenly fragrance -- peony Yongronghuagui, sad melody of love always let never seen peony flowers I feel the feelings, to the unique, glamorous peony is how to face? What kind of charm?China finance So, on the first day of the lunar year, with good vision and a palpitating heart, I came to Tanhua Temple Park, enter the park gate, eyes suddenly a rich multicolored decorations, along the park wall around the display of hundreds of ten pots of peony flowers, see the peony flower pots, attitudes, the fragrance, see this a flower, blooming petals color such as Cabernet Sauvignon, complex, a layer of a layer of crowding together, like horizon can huge glow in the sky while the cloud volumes piled out layers of waves, look at that one, skin like snow, wavy petals in riotous profusion, if the butterfly flying wings, and in a layer a layer of petals curled center was also Art beats nature. to Sheng a regiment held together stamen, pistil as thin as cicada's wings, fragrance fragrance attracted bees on hard honey, flower butterfly, comfortable, good faction lively spring. "Peony Victor Wong Qunfang, Kuang is a period more king. The four colour changed Baise, different colors and fragrance". The beautiful Peony Fairy, your beauty like that "Yang in enchanting smiles" Jiaoqiao, your noble as king of the world, no one have no predecessors generation after the queen Wu Zetian's dignity, your love is just a Cui Yingying, fly side by side oath, peony, your beautiful, noble and elegant let you Qunfang won, blossoming, you let how many gifted scholars and beautiful ladies for you tear for you, bow, I feel for you, sing for you!solar-panels